When most people think of Family Law, they generally think about divorce. However, Family Law encompasses a great deal more than just divorces and can affect or change the rights and responsibilities between family members. This can include:
The adoption of a child by a step-parent, foster parent(s), or privately arranged
Establishing the right of a loving grandparent to visit a child
Obtaining a guardianship to protect your vulnerable loved one
Proceeding through the juvenile court system relating to abuse and neglect matters
Modifying prior orders
Enforcing prior orders through contempt or other relief
Clinch Law Firm, LLC can assist you with a wide variety of family law matters, some of which may be provided by Limited Scope Representation in order to help save money on attorney fees.
Clinch Law Firm, LLC offers in-person, virtual, and telephone appointments for York County and the surrounding areas, including Seward County, Fillmore County, Hamilton County, Merrick County and more! Call us at 402-908-5699 to schedule a consultation at our York office, or feel free to send me an email at jerry.clinchlawfirm@gmail.com to schedule a meeting.